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About Xandeum Labs

Important Announcement


​Xandeum Labs is suspending development for Xandeum Classic. A new solution, fully integrated into Solana, is developed by Xandeum Foundation,


Node sales and further accrual of harvestable XANDC will be suspended on cutoff day, October 3, 2024. Xandeum Foundation offers a 1:1 upgrade of XANDC to XAND (the token of Xandeum Foundation's new solution) during their upgrade window.


Xandeum Foundation also honors points collected via to redeem to XAND. This includes points earned for purchasing Xandeum Labs's Founders Nodes after 1/1/24 at Airdrop snapshot date: October 8, 2024.

Xandeum Labs is the initiator and developer of Xandeum Classic, an L1 blockchain with integrated scalable storage.


Development of that Classic solution is currently suspended in favor of the Xandeum Network, a platform for extending Solana with a scalable storage layer and a storage-enabled liquid staking platform. Development of the new solution is being orchestrated by the Xandeum Foundation and the XAND DAO.

Xandeum Network is extending the Solana Accounts (the "RAM" of the blockchain) with Xandeum Buckets, a scalable file system offloaded to a separate network of 100,000+ pNodes (storage provider nodes) that are supervised and cryptographically supervised by our xandeum-solana validator software that we are developing.

The data itself is living as paged and redundantly replicated data on the pNodes. Solana apps will have an extended development model offered by Xandeum-enabled Solana RPC nodes, so that web3 devs can copy chunks of data from Solana accounts to Xandeum Buckets and vice-versa. The file system is random-access, offering Seek, Peek and Poke operations through the extended RPC interface.

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